marketing and design resources for small business owners


The Blog for the Small Business Owner

Being a business owner means we're always learning. We're so excited to share our knowledge with you! These articles are inspired by FAQs you have and common issues/myths we hear and see in the design and marketing industry.

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Featured Blog Posts

Branding Meredith Wolf Branding Meredith Wolf

Moodboards: the Most Important Step in the Branding Process

A moodboard is a succinct collection of visual assets that represents a brand’s visual identity. It can contain inspirational examples of photos, colours, typography, quotes, patterns, shapes and more that make up a cohesive direction for a brand that can be displayed and understood on one page.

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Branding Meredith Wolf Branding Meredith Wolf

The Importance of Investing in Photography for Your Business

Many experienced business owners will agree, certain investments can most definitely help to improve overall success. Whether it’s new materials and office supplies, a strategic marketing campaign or improved digital assets, certain investments can prove to be a valuable asset to your business in the long run.

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Branding Meredith Wolf Branding Meredith Wolf

Signs Your Logo is Outdated

There is a common misconception that a company or brand needs to keep its identity the same forever—that changing the logo would have negative consequences. However what we know is that maintaining the status quo too long can do more harm. You only need to look at major global brands as evidence keeping your logo fresh and relevant is vital.

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Branding Meredith Wolf Branding Meredith Wolf

Headshot Photography 101: Preparing for Your Session

Many professionals and business owners will agree, there are many important tools and resources that you can invest in to help ensure that your business succeeds online. From a modern website and engaging social media presence, to ad campaigns, SEO and so much more, there are many aspects of digital marketing that you should definitely take into consideration.

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Branding Meredith Wolf Branding Meredith Wolf

What is Digital Branding & How Can it Help Your Business

Your presence in the digital world is what you make it. With digital branding, you can bring the values of your business or company to light in everything that you do. Whether you’re looking to catch the attention of your target audience or create a cohesive look between all of your channels, the right digital branding strategy can help.

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Branding Meredith Wolf Branding Meredith Wolf

What Does Brand Collateral Mean?

Brand Collateral is the collection of media used to promote the brand and support the sales and marketing of a product or service. It's the tangible evidence of the brand, designed congruent with the brands core values and personality.

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Branding Meredith Wolf Branding Meredith Wolf

4 Steps To Name Your Business

This four-step process will help you name your new business. In this example, I’m creating a name for a web design business that conveys the modern, cutting edge aspects of this industry. Here’s each step I took in crafting these business names.

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Branding Meredith Wolf Branding Meredith Wolf

How To Keep Your Brand Consistent - And Why You Need To

Do you ever stop and wonder about how brands can achieve such incredible recognition? It isn’t just because they have an excellent product or service... and it doesn't come down to simply having a cool logo. Brand recognition comes down to one simple yet oh-so-complicated word: consistency.

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